Now that there is a new rhythm of life for many of us in Winnipeg, some (including me) are struggling with how to stay productive and sane with all of the extra at home time. Here are some tips that I am finding helpful:

Wake up to your alarm every day. It’s tempting to sleep in, but it’s a slippery slope and will kill your productivity. If you need to use this enforced time off to do a little sleep catch up, that’s ok sleep in a bit but set the alarm and get up when it goes off.

Shower early in the morning. The routine and fresh feeling will give you a clean slate for the day ahead of you.

Get dressed in nice clothes. Wearing pajamas at lunchtime makes you feel like a slob.  (unless your cleaning out the basement then you're supposed to feel like that)

Schedule everything. Put your events, projects and meetings into the calendar to stay on track. An unscheduled day can easily be filled with YouTube cat videos.

Keep a list of the goals and tasks you can get done. Set a reasonable amount of time to get things done on it.

‍‍‍ Take coffee breaks free from your phone with family or roommates. Your spouse will appreciate some company! These are great moments to connect that you don’t always get at the office. If no one is around, call a friend or family member.

If your space permits, have an area you set aside for “getting work done.” Seal it off (if only in your head and with headphones) and when you’re there, commit to putting your head down and knocking off those goals.

Go for a quick walk around the neighborhood. The blood and body movement is great for you. Or do a scheduled workout of some variety.

Use extra time you saved on commute for professional development. Read a book, listen to a podcast or take an online course.

Zoom teleconferencing is your friend. Google Meets works great and is free.

Set a finish line for the day. As best as you can, end your workday at the same time as you normally would. Having a deadline is a critical boundary to make sure you hit your daily goals. It’s very easy to let work bleed into your entire day. We must not do this.

This is a difficult time for all of us.  If you need to contact us we are in the office on limited hours this week.  If and when we close we will still have the ability to schedule you for essential visits.  You can reach out by phone at 204 885 4842 or by email at INFO@SUNCHIRO.CA  

Whatever happens in the next few weeks we are here for you and feel free to reach out if you have questions or if you are hurting and need some advice or perhaps a treatment.

